Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Gunter Süß



Lectures and Presentations
  • „‚Meine Liebe kann ich Dir nicht geben‘: Vorläufige Notizen zu einer deutschen Band“
    Inaugural lecture, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 05 June 2024.

  • “Education Beyond the Boundaries of Disciplines – A Mission Statement and Concept for a Climate Sensitive Study Course“ (together with Inga-Maria Eichentopf)
    Presentation at the conference "Higher Education with Impact", Hasselt University, Belgium, 15 December 2023.
  • „Hyper-Maskulinität, Provokation und intertextuelle Ambiguität: Rammstein und die Medienkulturwissenschaft“
    Presentation in the seminar "Kunstskandale", Dr. Eugen Wenzel, Chemnitz University of Technology, 06 December 2023.
  • "The Power of Big Data and Rogue Algorithms: Critical Digital and Cultural Education in the 21st Century"
    Presentation at the third EURECA-PRO conference. Polytechneio Kritis, Chania, Greece, 28 September 2023.
  • “’You hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, (royalty-free), transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license’: Social Media Practices and Ownership”
    Presentation at the annual convention of the German Association for American Studies „America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee“. University of Rostock , 02 June 2023.

  • “Digitalization and Responsibility: Authorship, Ownership, and Data Security”
    Lecture in the third online lecture series of EURECA-PRO “Responsible Consumption”, 12 January 2023.
  • “Cultural Studies, Education and the Critique of Rogue Algorithms”
    Presentation at the annual convention of the German Association for American Studies „Political Education and American Studies“. University of Tübingen, 10 June 2022.
  • “(Ir-)Responsible Algorithms and the Need for Cultural Studies in the 21st  Century”
    Lecture in the second online lecture series of EURECA-PRO “Geosciences, Technologies for a circular economy, European Values and Culture”, 25 October 2021.
  • Cultural Studies in 21st Century.” 
    Lecture in the first online lecture series of EURECA-PRO, 29 June 2021.
  • „Mit Kant und Foucault auf der geheimen Antarktisstation Neuschwabenland“
    Lecture in the public lecture series „Meinen, Glauben, Wissen“, IKKS, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 24 March 2021, 


  • Teaching Videography at German Universities“
    Presentation and roundtable discussion with Katrin Rothemund, international conference Videographic Criticism: Performative knowledge production and aesthetic practice", TU and HBK Braunschweig, 08 November 2019.

  • “Writing with Pixels: The Video Essay in Historical, Formal, and Didactic Perspectives”
    Presentation at the conference “Canonizing David Lynch: Audiovisual Aesthetics and Shocking Standards”, University of Siegen, 06 September 2019.
  • „Das Böse in Film und Fernsehen“
    Lecture at the conference „Supervision: Jenseits von gut und böse“, Mediencampus Villa Ida Leipzig, 21 June 2019.
  • In Praise of the Short Form: Teaching Media and Cultural History with Contemporary Music Videos by African-American Artists.”
    Presentation at the annual convention of the German Association for American Studies. University of Hamburg, 14 June 2019.
  • „Von Monstern, Mördern und Magnaten: Das Böse im zeitgenössischen Film und Fernsehen“
    Lecture in the lecture series „Das Böse… ist überall?!“, IKKS, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 20 June 2018,  <>.
  • “'We're all living in Amerika': National Stereotypes, Irony, and the Politics of Rammstein
    Workshop in the seminar
    The Necessity to Dance: Lyrics, Genre and Pop”, Dr. Marcel Hartwig, University of Siegen, 06 July 2017.


  • Tell Me Your Story, New Neighbor”: Identity, Interculturality and the Life Narrative“
    Presentation at the international conference “Education and the Humanities”, West East Institute, Harvard Faculty Club, Cambridge, USA, 01 August 2016.
  • „Zwischen den Zeiten und Welten: Lehre und Schlüsselkompetenzvermittlung im Spannungsfeld von Humboldt und Bologna“
    Keynote at the second "Tag der Lehre", Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 11 May 2016.


  • Ride with Capitola: The Politics of E.D.E.N. Southworth’s The Hidden Hand"
    Presentation at the international conference „Popular Culture – Serial Culture”, University of Siegen, 28 April 2016.
  • Shaping Heterogenity at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences“ (together with Melanie Kilger)
    Presentation at the international conference
    Mittweida meets Eastern Europe“, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 10 December 2015.

  • „Kooperations- und Lehrformen in der Studiengangsentwicklung zwischen Universität und Hochschule“ (together with Bert Schusser)
    Presentation in the workshop "Moderne Bildungsangebote für die digitale Arbeitswelt", 24th Scientific Conference, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 19/20 November 2015.
  • „Damit kann man nie früh genug anfangen“: Prüfungsplanung bei der Gestaltung interdisziplinärer Studiengänge"
    Disq space contribution at the (Forum des Hochschuldidaktischen Zentrums Sachsen), University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 05 November 2015.


  • Hochschuldidaktik und Capitalist Realism: Eine kritische Auseinander-setzung mit Mark Fishers Thesen im deutschen Hochschulkontext"
    Disq space contribution at the annual convention of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik, University of Paderborn, 04 March 2015.
  • Cultures of Loudness: From Jim Crow to Guantanamo“
    Presentation at the international conference
    America and the Musical Unconscious“, Junior Year in Munich, LMU Munich, 31 May 2014.


  • „Größenwahnsinnige Chemielehrer und alkoholabhängige Werbetexter: ‚Modernes‘ Fernsehen, Medienkonvergenz und neoliberale Kultur“
    Lecture in the public lecture series „Was ist modern?“ KOMMIT, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, 09 April 2014.


  • "'I’m in the Empire Business‘: Gender Regimes and Capitalism in Breaking Bad
    Presentation at the Department of English and American Studies. Dortmund University of Technology, 10  December 2013.


  • Deconstructing Walt, Interpreting Skyler, Reading AMC: Cultural Studies and the Analysis of Breaking Bad
    Presentation at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna, 05 December 2013.


  • “'A Detective in the House‘: House M. D. and Contemporary Media Cultures“
    Presentation in the seminar  "Complexity and Quality: Aesthetics, Media Economies, and TV Seriality"
    , University of Siegen, 20 November 2012.
  • White('s) Angst: Breaking Bad and the Erosion of the Middle Class“ 
    Lecture in the public lecture series
    TV Seriality“, Dresden University of Technology, 15 December 2011.


  • Addicted like Sherlock: The Cultural and Medi(c)al Relevance of House M. D. 2.0 (Extended Version)“
    Lecture in the public lecture series “TV Seriality, Dresden University of Technology, 01 December 2011.


  • John Rollin Ridge: The Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta, the Celebrated California Bandit (1854)“
    Lecture in the public lecture series Mein Buch“, Museum Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, 09 November 2011.


  • Addicted like Sherlock: The Cultural and Medi(c)al Relevance of House M. D.
    Presentation at the conference
    Detective Fiction in American Popular Culture", Chemnitz University of Technology, 28 October 2011.


  • Transnational Highway Robber and Popstar: The Life, Adventures (and Afterlife) of Joaquín Murieta, Celebrated Californian Bandit“
    Presentation at the annual convention of the German Association for American Studies,  University of Regensburg, 17 June 2011.


  • „Robbie Williams und die sogenannte Krise der Männlichkeit in den 1990er Jahren“
    Lecture in the lecture series „Angewandte Gender Studien“, Chemnitz University of Technology, 01 June 2010.


  •  „Beep? Bling? Blong? Strukturen und Funktionen des Tons in Computerspielen“
    Presentation at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Nürnberg/Erlangen, 28 January 2009. 
  • „Sound in Computerspielen: Ein Überblick auf sechsundzwanzigeinhalb PowerPoint-Folien“
    Presentation at the Department of Media Studies, University of Bayreuth, 09 December 2008.


  • „Die dunkle Seite des Fortschritts: Industrialisierung als Entmenschlichung in Rebecca Harding Davis’s ‚Life in the Iron Mills‘“
    Presentation in the symposium „Industrialisierung – Industriekultur – De-Industrialisierung“. Industrial Museum Chemnitz, 24 October 2008.


  • Ekphrasis with Original Gangsters: Popular Culture and the Study of Intermediality”
    Presentation at the annual convention of the Association for Modern German Studies „Word, Image, Sound: Intermediality in German Cultural Discourse”, Bangor University, Wales, 27 June 2008.   

  • “'The Innocent Can Never Last‘: The Melodramatic Mode, Popular Culture, and the Iraq War”
    Presentation at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Dortmund, 20 May 2008.


  • „Fear of A Black Hat, das Genre der Mockumentary und die ewige Frage nach der wirklichen Wirklichkeit“
    Lecture in the series „Filmriss“, Cube Club Chemnitz, 22 April 2008.

  • „Die Kulturgeschichte des Musikvideos: Ein studentisches Lehrbuch als didaktisches Konzept“
    Presentation in the workshop „Visual Culture(s)“, Department of English and American Studies, University of Vienna, 14 October 2006.
  • “'Turn your Radio On‘: Intermediality in the Computer Game GTA: San Andreas
    Presentation at the annual convention of the German Association for American Studies. University of Göttingen, 9 June 2006.

  • Some Observations on HipHop“
    Presentation at the Post-Graduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies. University of Dortmund, 29 October 2005.
  • “'You think that I’m strong, you’re wrong, you’re wrong‘: Masculinity in Videos of Robbie Williams“
    Presentation at the Department of English and American Studies, University of Leipzig, 28 June 2005.
  • “IKEA Boys and Dawgs: Aggressive Masculinities in Fight Club and 8 Mile
    Presentation at the international conference „Intermedialität – Herausforderungen an die Philologien im Medienzeitalter.“ Chemnitz University of Technology, 04 February 2005.
  • My Name is Payne: Sound, Genre und Subjektivität im ‚Game-Noir‘ Max Payne II“
    Presentation at the Post-Graduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies . Goethe University Frankfurt, 06 November 2004.

  • The Aural in Multimedia Culture“
    Presentation at the conference „Beyond the Text? Re(Visiting) Hypertextual Phenomena“. Anglistisches Seminar. Heidelberg University, 12 February 2004.


  • “'Did you ever meet a sexier male chauvinist pig?‘: Robbie Williams, Irony, and Englishness“ 
    Presentation at the conference “Literature and the Media”, Chemnitz University of Technology, 16 January 2004.
  • More Than Beep: Zur Rolle des Sound in Computerspielen“
    Presentation at the Post-Graduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies, University of Leipzig, 09 November 2002.
  • „There’s More to the Picture Than Meets the Eye: Filmstudien und Computerspielanalyse“
    Presentation in the seminar „Die Aneignung von Computerspielen“, Markus Wiemker, Department of Media Communication, Chemnitz University of Technology, 12 June 2002.
  • „What ‚Clint Eastwood‘ Can Tell Us - Grundlagen der Analyse Musikalischer Multimedien“
    Presentation at the Post-Graduate Forum of the German Association for American Studies, Amerikahaus Munich, 05 November 2001.


  • „Musik digital: Multimedia unter auditiven Gesichtspunkten“
    Presentation at the symposium „Hypertexte“, University of Tübingen, 02 December 2000.
  • „Eine Methode zur Sichtung von Hypertexten“ 
    Presentation in the research group „Neue Medien im Alltag: Von individueller Nutzung zu soziokulturellem Wandel“, Chemnitz University of Technology, 15 November 2000.
  • „Integration des Internet in die Englischausbildung“
    Presentation at Humboldt University Berlin, 22 September 2000 (together with Udoka Ogbue). 

  • „Merkmale kulturellen Wandels“ 
    Presentation in the research group „Neue Medien im Alltag: Von individueller Nutzung zu soziokulturellem Wandel“, Chemnitz University of Technology, 05 July 2000 (together with Randi Gunzenhäuser).


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